How to Redeem and Use your Argos gift card.
Text Version:
- Congrats you’ve been sent a Prezzee Smart eGift Card through Email or SMS, click the link!
- Unwrap your gift!
- Save your gift card in the Prezzee Wallet mobile app!
- Select Log in if you already have an account or Create account to sign up.
- To spend your Prezzee Smart Card, click on the "Swap" button to view your gift card options.
- Select Argos from hundreds of trusted brands
- You can either swap the full amount of the Smart Card, or swap a portion and save the rest for later.
- Once you select Argos and the amount, a new gift card will be created for you to use immediately!
- Click "Reveal card details".
- Option 1: You can use your gift card online by copying and pasting the information below.
- Option 2: Or use your gift card In-Store by scanning the bar code and information below.
- Thank you for using Prezzee!